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- Issue #111
Issue #111
Womb Wisdom

Wisdom of Your Womb
Happy Friday Beautiful,
It’s Equinox time in both hemispheres. That time of year when the number of daylight hours and night time hours are equal to each other. As a Libra sign, balance feels like a part of my DNA. Not that I get it right even a majority of the time, but I do crave balance in my life in order to thrive.
What balance needs to be invited into your life to reduce your stress and add more joy?

If we don’t focus on those “important but not urgent” (see Issue #108) relationships and activities, the replenishing ones (like pleasure and play) get pushed to the side for the more urgent and less important ones.
And some days it all just feels so overwhelming that the best you can do is go to bed early and read a book or declare a mental health day (and stay in bed all day) or (fill in the blank____________________) but not berate yourself for taking this time to nurture yourself. We need the non-doing to balance out some of the over-doing.
Note: this week I held space for two female clients in Burnout Mode. They are both juggling self-employment, being moms and partners. One feels guilty for not being productive. She can’t get rid of her migraine for the past two weeks. She dreams about just getting on a plane and going someplace where no one can find her.
She wants to stay in bed to rest, but her teenage daughters ask why she isn’t up to make them breakfast on a school day. They don’t know that she’s been taking care of others and making breakfast since she was ten years old for her mother.
The second client also had a week-long migraine and wondered if massage could help. Both women spent a good amount of time crying as they spoke about their work, marriage, and parenting. Both kept apologizing for crying. I told them and I’m telling you Dear One, we need to be able to fully feel all of our emotions….especially the ones society is uncomfortable with us sharing/feeling.
This self-care/self-compassion doesn’t come easy for most of us.
It was a gift to give both of them nourishing touch for two hours to ease their migraines and witness their struggles. Their body’s were starving for stillness and relaxation and connection with an empathic human providing undivided attention.
Your physical and mental well-being deserves your attention, and has a way of getting your attention eventually (and usually at inconvenient times) if you push it too often to the bottom of your to-do’s.
And that is what this weekly newsletter is here to do. We are here to remind you that there are other women (and men who love their women) who also want to bring more joy and play and pleasure into their life. AND there are plenty of women who over-worked, over-tired, under-rested and feeling burned out, where the idea of pleasure, joy, and play is not even on their radar.
Please reach out to a friend, a mental health counselor, a trauma informed massage therapist (me), or someone you trust to listen to your story and witness you. It is not weak to ask for help, it is strong and wise to know that no one can travel this life without support and friendship.

In this week's newsletter, we'll delve into the idea of connecting to the wisdom that resides in your womb space (regardless if you have your womb currently or not) and how this connection empowers you.
It goes with the latest podcast episode with Julie Wood (released September 20th) who works with women to tune into the wisdom of their womb (or the energy of their womb if they no longer have one).

Feature Article
Embracing Womb Wisdom: A Guide for Middle-Aged Women
Discovering the Power Within
As we navigate the journey of middle age, it's an ideal time to reconnect with our bodies and tap into the wisdom that resides within. The womb, often associated with creation and nurturing, holds a wealth of intuitive knowledge that can guide us through life's challenges and opportunities.
What is Womb Wisdom?
Womb wisdom is more than just a biological concept. It's a connection to our bodies and our intuition. It's learning to look at your womb as a “holy of holies” as Julie calls it that is “way in the back” of the sacred temple of your body (even if it is no longer in your body, the energy is still there).
Ways to Connect with Your Womb Wisdom
Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness to become more attuned to your body's sensations and emotions. Meditation can help quiet the mind and create space for inner wisdom to emerge.
Mindfulness doesn’t strive for an outcome. It is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgement. Practice being patient with your womb if it/they/she is quiet at first when you connect. This relationship cannot be rushed or forced.
It can be as simple as putting both hands over your lower belly, closing your eyes and taking ten breaths as you learn to connect directly with this area of your body.
Journaling: Write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can help you identify patterns and gain insights into your inner wisdom. You may see a pattern emerge as you reread your entries or use the journaling to help you express your disappointment in how long it is taking to establish a connection with your womb and her/their wisdom.
Nature Connection: Spending time in nature can foster a deeper connection to your body and the natural world. Practice taking off your shoes and socks to have your bare feet touch the grass. Sit with your back leaning against a tree and spend five to ten minutes (or longer) in silence with the tree. Ask the tree a question and listen in quietly for an answer.
Movement: Engage in activities that connect you to your body, such as yoga, dance, walking, or Qi gong. Try standing with your feet hip width apart, hands on your hips, and your eyes closed (or open if it feels safer). Lean forward so you are leaning more on the front of your feet.
Next, lean to your right as far as you can without losing your balance. Then, lean on the heels of your feet. And finally, lean to your left to find your farthest point without losing your balance.
How does your body and balance feel now that you go back to an even weight distribution in your feet?
What would it feel like if you imagined your womb as the center or balance point of your body and tried the same exercise?
Self-Care: Prioritize self-care to nourish your body and mind. This includes healthy eating, adequate sleep, stress management, and establishing stronger boundaries (saying no to people and activities that drain you).
Benefits of Embracing Womb Wisdom
Enhanced Intuition: Trusting your instincts can lead to better decision-making.
Reduced Stress: Connecting with your womb wisdom can help you navigate life's challenges with greater ease.
Increased Self-Confidence: Embracing your inner wisdom can boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Deepened Connection to Yourself: Womb wisdom can help you feel more connected to your body and your soul.
As we age, our bodies and minds may change, but our inner wisdom remains a constant. By connecting with our wombs and trusting the knowledge within, we can navigate middle age with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Listen to Julie talk about her client who was able to save her second ovary from also being surgically removed by connecting with and trusting the energy of her womb to guide her on necessary changes in her life.

Getting Started Connecting with Your Body
Sign up for Julie Wood’s free replay of a
Womb Healing & Abundance Cermony below:

Julie Wood

Now it’s your turn
What is your take away from this issue?
Have you ever experienced really connecting to your body? One a scale of 0-10 with 0 being “no” and 10 being “she talks to me all the time”, what are you currently?
Have you tried meditation? What is stopping you?
Can you envision your womb as a sacred space? Why?
Relevent Podcast Episode:
S4Ep6: Listening to Your Womb’s Wisdom with Julie Wood
See you again next Friday!
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Roadside beauties in Dunfermline, Scotland in June 2022